Saturday, July 5, 2008

my nicknames...

i have a lot of nicknames. they are, queen mum, megga mango,meglet, mag-a-t, mag-a-t-rex, meggie, meggalin, peg, and MAN (which are my anitials). My favorite nickname is meg-a-t because that is the one that is used the most. also meggie is used quite a bit. well peg is one that my little brother Eli used to call me. and queen mum is what my grandma used to call my when i was little.


Emmy K said...

I'm going to start calling you Meg-a-t now ok? Why didn't you put Meglet on there? Jk.

Anonymous said...

Hi meg, this is Madison and, I miss you a lot.By the way I'm on Harry potter 6 and you were right that Harry potter 5 goes by slowly.